DISCLAIMER: By clicking on the box below and viewing the live video broadcast, you are agreeing that the live video broadcast you are about to view is for demonstrative purposes only as reflective of the live image as broadcasted by its respective cameras. Furthermore, this live video broadcast is intended only for ADT authorized personnel. Any non-authorized personnel is strictly prohibited from viewing this live video broadcast along with any use of this application and website. Moreover, you are not allowed to share, provide, or allow your access to be used and/or accessed by anyone other than yourself, regardless of whether or not any other individual may or may not be an authorized personnel. Any use of the images or videos being broadcasted other than for the intended demonstrative purposes, including but not limited to, copying, editing, distributing, exchanging, exhibiting, renting, sharing, lending, diffusion, hiring, public display, radio or television broadcasting, or any other usage of this live video broadcast is strictly prohibited.
I hereby agree that I am an authorized personnel as described and that I will adhere to the said DISCLAIMER above
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The ADT Videoview Mobile App is available for iPhone and Android devices, and all can be downloaded from the links below. The system allows you to make your phone or pad a part of your security network by enabling you to remotely view a multi-page view of your cameras or a larger single camera view, zoom in or out, support flexible stream mode, export local file and get fisheye view. With the ADT Videoview Mobile App Video, you can realize remote surveillance from anywhere.